Fire safety educator - visits Industrial and School buildings.Will lower the cost of rebuilding a destroyed building. Fire Department crane depot - Sends out cranes that are needed during special emergencies.Fireboat depot - The Fireboat depot is placed like a port near the shore, it is needed for emergencies on the water.Water Rescue depot - The water rescue depot (part of the FD) rescue people that are drowning.Fire Chief depot - The Fire Chief depot will boost the effectiveness of Fire Stations he recently visited, Fire Trucks will gain a speed bost and Fire Fighters gain a extinguishing boost.They will drive to the building that caused it and to the area of effect (includes air polution). Hazmat Fire Truck depot - The Hazmat Fire Truck depot can spawn Hazmat Trucks, that will be dispatched once certain events occur or a bigger Industry building burst into flames (See point: Hazardous Industry fires).Fire Safety Inspector depot - The Fire Safety Inspector will drive to all Buildings and will lower the chance for a fire by 50% for a few weeks when visiting a building.Disptach The Dispatch will Call the nearest vehicle to an emergency instead of them driving though the whole City because there is no dispatch.The big Fire HQ will spawn 1 Command Vehicle, the COmmand Vehicle will increase effecttivness on calls.(meaning, the area they passed will recieve a short happines boost) Police vehicles on patrol will increase the happines in a short radius for a short duration of time.They can still die after being picked up (but will be transported to the graveyard by the ambulance). Victims that are in need of an ambulance can die if the ambulance doesn't arrive in time and make it back in time.Requires: Good health care, many people will seek hospitals. IF owner of After Dark - Small Prison break.

Requires: 1 Fire Truck, 2 Ambulance, 1 Police vehicle on scene. Advanced Emergency AI, Emergency Vehicles will drive on the sidewalk or opposite lanes (on highways on the not used lane) if on a call and it is stuck in traffic.(Break speedlimit, drive over red lights, etc.). Police, garbge, etc.) Able to select if you want to drive them to other Districts. District Policy - Emergency & City buildings will only dispatch within the District they are built in, while this Policy is active (e.g.Ladder Truck depot - (Needed for Office Zones, Tier2 Commercial, Tier2 Residential).Cities: Skylines clearly dominates its most significant competitor, SimCity, and it is one of the best such games available.REQUIREMENT FOR CALLS MEANS: IF FULLFILLED THE CALL WILL BE DONE THE FASTEST, STILL NEEDS A CERTAIN VEHICLE COUNT TO START WORKING ON THE CALL

The graphics are beautiful, the gameplay flexible, and your possibilities close to endless.
Cities skylines after dark free vs paid mods#
A fantastic gameĪlthough this game is not perfect, it comes quite close to it, especially if you get mods involved in the picture. There are over 35,000 community-created mods already, that let you, among other actions, fly around your city, add skateparks, improve the citizens and traffic AI. The community created a wide array of extras you can add to make the game suit your needs precisely. Perhaps the most exciting portion of the game is its mod-ability. The inhabitants are interactive and will act according to how you organize them. Each neighbourhood can get a specific set of rules and policies, which adds a fun, realistic aspect to the game.

Once you have developed a city, you can micromanage it to perfection, too. Here, you'll find all the options lined up at the bottom of your screen for easy accessibility. You then set up some statistics that change your environment to begin building. You just start by choosing a map and naming your city.